347 E. Penn Ave., Robesonia, PA 19551
Phone: 610-693-8542
Fax: 610-693-8543

Middle School Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Our mission at Conrad Weiser Middle School is to work in partnership with parents and the community to develop responsible citizens, while promoting high expectations for each learner, independently and in collaboration with others. Conrad Weiser Middle School is centered on engaging the whole learner and providing an exploratory of learning opportunities to help students achieve and persevere at the highest levels.

Conrad Weiser Middle School is centered on engaging the whole student and providing an exploratory of learning opportunities. We have an excellent teaching staff that is dedicated to reaching each child, regardless of any extenuating circumstances. Our goal is to ensure each and every child has every possible opportunity to become a successful, productive member of our community. If we work together, we can accomplish tremendous feats.

Ensuring an excellent education is a team effort.Teachers, parents, students, counselors, administrators, and the community at large must work together with a common goal of providing an environment that promotes a strong work ethic, positive character examples, and rigorous curriculum with high expectations for success. Education is a lifetime commitment.

Welcome to the new school year. It is a time for a new beginning and a fresh start. We sincerely hope you will have a great year. We are here to support your success.

Character Counts in all aspects of life,

Conrad Weiser Alma Mater
By Ruth Ann Watson Rissinger

To Thee, Oh Alma Mater,

we sing our songs of praise.

Since the days of our youth,

teaching wisdom and truth,

you remain in our hearts always.

Then, β€œHail to Thee, Conrad Weiser,

the school we love so well!

Hail to thee, our Alma Mater,”

our loyal voices swell.