Flexible Instruction Day Packets

Dear CWE Families,

All K-4 students have received hardcopy FID (Flexible Instruction Day) packets. These were sent home or provided during parent-teacher conferences. If you cannot locate your child's packet, you can access a digital version by clicking the links below.

On Flexible Instruction Days, your child's teacher will be available on SeeSaw from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM to assist with any questions or support. Please remember that your child must complete and submit their FID #1 assignments to be marked present for today.

Students have up to three (3) days after returning to school to complete and turn in their assignments. If the work is not submitted within this timeframe, your child will be marked absent for the day.

Stay safe and warm!

Warm regards,
Gigi (Jeanne) Blum
Principal, CW East Elementary School

Kindness matters. 😊