The Diplomats are continuing the environmental fun and learning this week at N.E.E.D. Camp on their last full day! Here are additional photos of their adventures! #weareweiser #NEEDcamp24
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students at need camp in a flag ceremony
students at need camp giving thumbs up
students at need camp around a fire
students at need camp learning about birds of prey
students at need camp
students at need camp around campfire
students at need camp on a hike
students at need camp
It’s been another great week so far at N.E.E.D. Camp! Here are a few moments captured from the Diplomat Team. #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students at need camp
students at need camp
students at need camp cooking over a fire
students at need camp crafting a shirt
students at need camp bird watching
more students at need camp bird watching
The CWMS team attended the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing State Awards today and took home 3rd place in the state! Amazing job!! #weareweiser #wscam
over 1 year ago, CWMS
student at the What’s So Cool About Manufacturing State Awards
bacon stuffie
students at What’s So Cool About Manufacturing State Awards
What’s So Cool About Manufacturing State Awards
What’s So Cool About Manufacturing State Awards
CWMS student team
And they are off! #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
loading the truck for need camp
school buses depart for need camp
students say goodbye to parents before they depart for camp
More images from NEED Camp #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
campfire at NEED camp
students at need camp
designing tshirts at need camp
exploring at need camp
flag ceremony at need camp
tug of war at need camp
The final day of N.E.E.D. Camp for the 6th Grade Peacekeepers is here! It has been an incredible week! Campers: Just as reminded in Mr. Feeg’s nightly campfires, we hope, for you, that camp was not “just a dream”, but instead like Little Gopher, you have painted memories of brilliant reds and oranges with hues of yellows and vivid greens and deep blues and purples. Hold those painted memories close! Our silver and gold friends- all of you- now share this special bond of N.E.E.D. Camp forever. #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students at NEED Camp
students at NEED Camp
students at NEED Camp
student fishing at NEED Camp
students fishing at NEED Camp
student at NEED Camp
It’s a great day to be a scout as the 6th grade Peacekeepers set off for their last full day of N.E.E.D. Camp! This week, students have been fortunate to observe and learn about many native Pennsylvania animals during educational programs and lessons, or out on the trail. We’ve spotted deer, chipmunks, rabbits, turtles, frogs, salamanders and more! #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
student with antlers on their head
opossum in a bed
instructor holding an owl
instructor holding a turkey vulture
student holding a crab
holding a bat
snake on the trail
The Peacekeepers are off to Day 3 of N.E.E.D. Camp after our daily flag ceremony. Some students went on their hike while other enjoyed their campfire cookout! Those that cooked out today also worked together are some fun team building challenges. It’s another wonderful and exciting day at camp! #weareweisee #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students around a fire
students hiking
flag ceremony
CWMS students at camp
learning how to maintain a fire
What an amazing day for CWMS 6th graders to take in a baseball game! #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
CWMS students at a baseball game
CWMS students at a baseball game
CWMS students at a baseball game
CWMS students at a baseball game
CWMS students at a baseball game
It’s another blue-skied day at N.E.E.D. Camp for the 6th Grade Peacekeepers who have been busy with fishing, birding and compass stations! With an exciting morning, the students are ready to journal their observations and memories during their quiet hour in the forest or by the lake later this afternoon! #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
student caught a fish
students learn how to read a compass
students learn about birds and look through binoculars
designing NEED camp shirts
students learn about weaving bracelets
The most unique end of the school year calendar ever #weareweiser #schoolisntoveryet
over 1 year ago, CWMS
Math countdown to summer
The Peacekeepers send you greetings from Day 1 of N.E.E.D. Camp! The students have settled into their cabins, completed their first lesson and quiet hour with their trail group, and the weather has been beautiful! We are looking forward to a team building challenge and tonight’s campfire. It’s already been a busy and awesome day! #weareweiser #NEEDcamp23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
NEED camp flag
student at NEED camp
student at NEED camp
student at NEED camp
student at NEED camp
student at NEED camp
NEED Campers are on their way! #weareweiser #NEEDCAMP23
over 1 year ago, CWMS
Loading up the truck to NEED Camp
School Bus heading to NEED Camp
Calling all 4th Graders! Don't forget to reserve YOUR spot at the 5th Grade Summer Academy! #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
Summer Academy Flier
Please see the attached flier for the Conrad Weiser 76ers Summer Theater Camp! Link to sign up: #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
76ers Summer Theater Camp Signup Flier
The Conrad Weiser Jr. High Football coaching staff would like to invite ALL current 6th and 7th grade students interested in playing Jr High Football for the Conrad Weiser Scouts, to attend: 2023 Spring Football Camp! #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
2023 Spring Football Camp information
Science students in Mr. Esser and Ms. Kissling’s classes design, built and coded robotics structures out of Hummingbird robotics kits in a week-long coding activity. #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
students and their Hummingbird robotics project
Tom and Megan Shannon came in to conduct a hands-on suturing demonstration with pigs feet. On Friday, April 28, 2023 we are able to offer our 8th grade students an amazing opportunity to review surgical case studies, to learn to suture, to hand tie blood vessels and use orthopedic surgical techniques to repair tendons or bone. #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students working on sutures
students learning about sutures
This morning 6th Grade students participated in Robesonia’s 2023 Arbor Day Ceremony. Students contributed artwork, heard from the Robesonia Shade Tree Commission and Mayor, and the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry. Some students also participated by helping plant a new tree along Penn Avenue in the Henry P. Robeson Park. #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
students in Robesonia
students in robesonia
Awesome 2 days of PSSAs here at CWMS. Let's take a look back at our PSSA pep rally from last week! The staff and students all enjoyed this student organized pep rally! #weareweiser
over 1 year ago, CWMS
pep rally banner
pep rally picture
pep rally picture
pep rally picture
pep rally picture
6th graders at pep rally
pep rally picture
pep rally picture
pep rally picture
pep rally picture