Open to all groups, teams, and families: August 1, 2022 5:00 p.m. in the Conrad Weiser High School Auditorium... β€œTHE POWER OF A POSITIVE TEAM” Check the flier for more information!
over 2 years ago, CWMS
We are excited for the launch of our new website this summer!
almost 3 years ago, Conrad Weiser Area School District
Yearbooks are here!!!! If you pre-ordered a yearbook, your ER teacher has it. If you did not pre-order a yearbook, you may purchase one for $25. They will be sold on a first come, first served basis. See Mrs. Natale to purchase your yearbook. If you would like to purchase one after school has ended, just go to the office and Mrs. Glembocki or Mrs. Wagner will be able to help you! #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
yearbook announcement
The calm before the field day storm. #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
field day
Mrs. Neider's class had a special visitor today. After reading about all of the different ways dogs can serve people, Barkley, a therapy dog and his handler Jen Byrne came for a class visit.​ #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
Barkley visits CWMS
Good luck to the CWMS What’s So Cool About Manufacturing team as they head to the STATE COMPETITION today!! #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
WSCAM team photo
Scenes from NEED Camp
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
teacher helping student with fish
need camp image
student catching a fish
kids building a fire
Congrats CWMS What's So Cool About Manufacturing Video Team! Last night, our video earned the Viewer's Choice Award, was recognized as the first video to utilize original music composed by our students, and qualified for the state competition. Well done team! #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
cwms wscam team
MRC award
What a way to start the day! #weareweiser
almost 3 years ago, CWMS
MS students
CWMS Spring Picture Day is coming on April 11th! The 8th grade panoramic picture will also be taken that day. Please look for an envelope that was sent home for more information!
almost 3 years ago, Mr. Mazurek
CWMS Spring Picture Day