Please take a few moments to read this newsletter from our School Nurse πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ , Mrs. Yoder 😊
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Newsletter Page 1
Newsletter Page 2
Newsletter Page 3
Looking for ideas for to practice reading skills for your child? Check out this calendar for the month of October! #WeAreWeiser #ReadingRocks #WeLoveToRead
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Early Literacy Ideas
Mrs. Rhoads and Ms. Hoffman got the opportunity to explore the @ReadingScienceCenter on Friday! We look forward to visiting the center with our students in the future! #WeAreWeiser #ScienceRocks
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Have you ever listened to a Podcast? Do you have a favorite Podcast? What the heck is a Podcast? A Podcast is a digital audio file made available on the internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically. #weareweiser @Conrad Weiser West Elementary #internationalpodcastday
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Recently there has been an increase in safety concerns in the front parking lot during arrival and dismissal. In order to ensure our students safety, we will be blocking off access to the front lot from 8:45 am - 9:15 am and 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm beginning on Monday, October 3, 2022. Please allow yourself time to wait in the drop off line or park in the parking lot closest to the playground. Thank you for understanding as we work to provide the best educational experience in the safest environment.
over 2 years ago, CWWE
We have an exciting night planned for Wednesday, November 2nd at West. We have our PTO Book Fair and our CW West Family Night scheduled. Please checkout our website/app for the attached information that should be coming home from school today with your child!
over 2 years ago, CWWE
CW West Fall Family Night
REMINDER: Tomorrow is Picture Day πŸ“Έ
over 2 years ago, CWWE
YUMMY it is National Pancake Day...what else is there to say? Maybe "Pancakes for dinner!" #weareweiser @Conrad Weiser West Elementary #nationalpancakeday
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Rain 🌧 or shine β˜€οΈ , 1st through 4th grade, we are learning to play Gaga Ball this cycle in PE! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Rain 🌧 or shine β˜€οΈ , 1st through 4th grade, we are learning to play Gaga Ball this cycle in PE! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWWE
CW West Picture πŸ“Έ Day is next week! Come dressed to impress on Wednesday, September 28th. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Today our students participated in an EVACUATE safety drill (aka a Fire Drill). The EVACUATE protocol is used if there is any safety risk and we need to take students somewhere other than our school building in order to keep them safe. The goal of an EVACUATE drill is to β€œget to another location”. Please remind your child that these drills are to ensure safety. As always, our primary goal is to keep your child(ren) safe and to keep you informed as a parent. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Did you know that September 20th was National IT Professional Day! We could not do our job without the CW Technology Team! Here are some things you can do to honor our IT Pros today: 1. Treat your I.T. guy or lady to a cup of joe Think about how many times during a typical year you call your I.T. pro to come and help you fix something on your computer or to remotely control it to solve your issue. Once? 10 times? For us, it averages about a dozen times a year. So on this day, show your appreciation with a coffee-shop gift card or other small tokens. 2. Post on social media Use the hashtag #ITProDay to draw attention to the holiday β€” and the tireless computer geniuses it honors. Encourage your friends and online followers to do the same. 3. Try to solve a technical issue on your own... …Or at least think about what might happen if you were to. Do you see visions of irreparable damage? Permanently lost files? Weeks of work, down the drain? Notice that, and give a mental nod to the I.T. pros who prevent those disasters from happening. #ITProDay #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Starting today and running through Sunday 10/2 the CW West PTO will be hosting an online Spirit Wear Sale πŸ‘• . Please see the attached flyer for design and order information. You can order at:
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Spiritwear Sale
Please check your email πŸ“§ for an important message from Ms. Hoffman regarding school safety drills.
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Our first grade team is feeling those #firstgradevibes 🌈😎🌟 #weareweiser #ourstaffrocks
over 2 years ago, CWWE
first grade team
first grade vibes
PBIS Pondering🧐: How do we show TEAMWORK in the lunchroom? What should you do if you make a mess?🧹 What's our table volume?🀫 Be sure to ask your student how they earn their tickets for TEAMWORK in the lunchroom!🎟
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Lunchroom Rubric
Our CW Homecoming Festival is tomorrow starting at 1:30 pm
over 2 years ago, CWWE
PBIS Pondering🧐: How do we show TEAMWORK in the classroom? How should we treat others? What could we do if our classmates need help? πŸ—―Be sure to ask your student how they earn their tickets for TEAMWORK in the classroom!🎟
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Classroom Rubric
PBIS Pondering🧐: How do we stay SAFE in the lunchroom? Where do our hands and feet belong? What should we do if we need help?πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈπŸ™‹πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ Be sure to ask your student how they earn their tickets for staying SAFE in the lunchroom!🎟
over 2 years ago, CWWE
Lunchroom Rubric