NEW to the District? please click here to pre-register your student

Already have a student enrolled and want to add another? Please use your current family access log-in

Once you've logged in to family access, student registration can be found in the upper left corner of your screen.

Training Video: New student enrollment training video.

The following documents will be required to enroll your child in our district:

  1. Student birth certificate

  2. Proof of residence

  3. Current immunizations

  4. Parent/Guardian Photo ID

Training video: How to upload documents required for online enrollment.

Forms for your doctor and dentist to complete:

      Please have the following documents ready to enroll your child: Birth Certificate Please submit a photo of the Birth Certificate for the student being enrolled.           Current Immunizations  Please provide your child's immunization records. Our Nurse Assigned to Registration will review them once the application is submitted.   Proof of Residence  Provide one verification from each of the two groups shown below. These verifications must show the address at which the parents/guardians and child will reside on a continuous permanent basis. HUD Settlement Form/Closing Disclosure Form    Parent Guardian ID Please provide a photo of the   GROUP 1   Occupancy Permit Deed   Parent/Guardian’s government issued   Notarized statement of residency from current landlord Real Estate Tax Bill Rental Agreement (Current) - Copy of entire lease  Utility bills such as gas, electric, water, sewer. Current check stubs/statement from wages, public assistance, or social security showing property address Voter Registration Card   photo identification.

Keystone SCholars logo

keystone scholards

keystone scholars registraton form

keystone scholars

Keystone Scholars, a program of the Pennsylvania Treasury, is depositing a FREE $100 into a child development account for ALL children born on or after January 1, 2019.

If you have a little Scout in your family, visit to learn about the program and apply!

registration form