Just a reminder that when we resume school tomorrow it will be a Day 1. See you all tomorrow and we hope you all enjoyed the long weekend! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Day 1
Valentine's Day will be here before you know it. Please see the attached flyer for information on how to order your Valentine's Grams! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
We are terribly sorry, but we will have to cancel Imagination Station today due to illness. We will look at possibly rescheduling this session down the road. Sorry for any inconvenience. Please make sure your child knows to go home at their usual dismissal time.
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Welcome back! We are eager and excited to see our students return for the new year! Just a reminder that we will be operating on a Day 4 schedule for our first day back tomorrow, January 3, 2023! We hope you all had a nice relaxing break! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
From all of us here at CW East Elementary we wish you all a very happy and relaxing holiday break! We look forward to the new year and seeing you all back here at school on Tuesday, January 3, 2023, same time, same place following a Day 4 schedule. Happy Holidays! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Happy Holidays
Due to the predicted severe weather conditions, all schools and offices of the CWASD will be closed on Fri., Dec. 23, 2022. There will be no before or after-school activities Friday. (We will NOT use a FID.) We will make up the Β½ day on Wed., April 5, 2023. When we return on January 3rd, we will return on a Day 4 schedule. #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Click on the link below to view the latest edition of our CWE student created video announcements. Once, again our students did an amazing job! #WeAreWeiser https://youtu.be/8yqjhIPp6bo
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Check out all of our friends who visited from the North Pole this morning to greet our students as they arrived this morning! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
All Aboard! Get those PJs ready for tomorrow's Polar Express Day! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
PJ Day Polar Express
You're a mean one, Mr. Grinch! Let see that Grinch-wear tomorrow! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Tomorrow is Shine Bright Day! Get those lights ready! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Shine Bright Day
Since we missed Sweater Day last week, let's have a 2 for 1 special! Wear your holiday sweater and your favorite tree topper! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Tree Topper
Sweater Day
Winter is almost here, so get some of that winter blue and white ready for tomorrow! #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Winter Wonderland
The monthly PTO meeting will be VIRTUAL tonight (no in person meeting) at 630pm. We are trying the meeting via Teams app this evening. Please follow the link to the meeting at 630pm. https://teams.live.com/meet/9393073619352
about 2 years ago, CWEE
PTO Meeting
Good Morning, By now you should have received a call from Dr. Giffing stating that the District is using a Flexible Instructional Day (FID). Today we will be completing FID #1 activities. All kindergarten through 4th grade students have hardcopy FID packets that were sent home or given to parents at conference time. Your child’s teacher will be available to you via SeeSaw today between 10am and 3pm. Please be reminded that your child must complete their FID #1 assignments to be considered present for today. Students will have 3 days from our return to school to complete this work. If this work is not completed and/or turned in, your child will be marked absent. Stay safe and warm. We look forward to seeing everyone on Friday. Melissa Rhoads Principal Conrad Weiser East Elementary
about 2 years ago, CWEE
Due to the complications from the weather, the Conrad Weiser Area School District will shift to a Flexible Instruction Day, Thursday, December 15, 2022. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWEE
Due to the timing of the predicted weather, the Conrad Weiser Area School District will begin with a 2-hour delay on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Weather conditions will be re-evaluated in the morning and updates provided as needed.#WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWEE
2 Hour
UPDATE... Since today is a FID Day we are going to combine sweater Day with Tree Topper Day on Monday 12/19. Dust off those sweaters and get the ready for tomorrow! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWEE
Sweater Day
Get those workout and comfy clothes ready for tomorrow! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWEE
Workout Day
From our Food Service Staff... Due to the pending weather forecast for the end of the week, Domino's Pizza day will be moved to Monday, 12/19/22. In the event that we do not have school or lunch on Thursday, the holiday meal will be moved to Friday, 12/16/22. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWEE