CWMS Student Council Presents St. Patrick’s Day Spirit Week!
about 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS Student Council Presents  St. Patrick’s Day Spirit Week!
Come see Shrek Jr. the Musical! **limited tickets available for Friday Night at the door. Tickets are $5 and cash is preferred if you are buying tonight** Tickets available online for tomorrow Tickets will be available at the door for Saturday as well. #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS Shrek Jr. The Musical
CWMS Shrek Jr. The Musical
CWMS Shrek Jr. The Musical
CWMS Shrek Jr. The Musical
CWMS Shrek Jr. The Musical
Congratulations to all who earned Student of the Month for February! #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
Student of the Month Feb. 23 -5th
Student of the Month Feb. 23- 6th
Student of the Month Feb. 23-7th
Student of the Month Feb. 23-8th
πŸ’βš’πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈπŸŽπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈ March 29th is the 2nd annual Job-Career Fair! 12:40-2:40 CWHS Juniors & Seniors ONLY 3-6 Open to ALL *30+ employers *Mental health personnel on-site *CW Multicultural Club with food and activities All are welcome! ❓610-693-8542 X6220 #CareerReady #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWASD
job career fair
Last week,, we had some guests! CWMS is always happy to partner with the Berks County K-9 units to provide a place for their officer’s to train and to ensure a safe learning environment for our school. #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
K9 visting CWMS
K9 visting CWMS
K9 visting CWMS
⚠Prank phone call at Wilson SD⚠ Please read the attached. #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWASD
CWMS had a special guest today #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
lamb visit
lamb visit
lamb visit
Congratulations to the January Students of the Month! #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
SOM Jan for 5th grade
SOM Jan for 6th grade
SOM Jan for 7th grade
SOM Jan for 8th grade
We would like to thank all of the students and staff that donated stuffed animals for the annual Hershey Bears Teddy Bear Toss this year! We also want to give a special thank you to our own Conrad Weiser Middle School 5th-grade student, Clayton H, who organized the CWMS collection for this great cause. Clayton and CWMS were able to collect 240 of the 67,309 stuffed animals that will go to Pennsylvania charities. #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
We enjoyed having @PAStatePolice Trooper Brownback eat lunch with our @WeiserMS students today! @Conradweiserasd #WeAreWeiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
Congratulations to the following seventh grade students in Mrs. Neider’s class who had their Twisted Tales submissions recognized in the National Young Writer’s competition. Twisted Tales invited students to explore characterization and the effect of the narrator and perspective on a story. Students wrote their 100-word story about a classic villainous character from that villains perspective. From left to right: Desirae M, Natalie S, Logan M, Presley S, Lyla R, and Scarlet N
about 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS Twisted Tales
Congratulations to Alex, Alexis, Johnny, Gianna, and Ben, the winning team and Pennsylvania Regional Champions in the CoderZ Cyber Robotics Coding Competition. This team will represent CWMS as they move on to the world championships in January. Way to go! #weareweiser
about 2 years ago, CWMS
Coderz bracket
CWMS Coderz Winning Team
Good morning, Today is a Flexible Instruction Day (FID), the Middle School will follow the schedule below. All students should log on to their first block teacher’s zoom at 10:00AM. Students should access Schoology for additional information from their teachers. Enjoy the day~ FID Block 1 10:00 AM to 10:41 AM Block 2 10:44 AM to 11:25 AM Lunch 11:28 AM to 11:58 AM Block 3 12:01 PM to 12:42 PM Block 4 12:45 PM to 1:26 PM Block 5 1:29 PM to 2:10 PM Academic Assistance 2:13 PM to 3:00 PM
over 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS FID schedule
Congratulations to the CWMS November Students of the Month! #weareweiser
over 2 years ago, CWMS
nov 22 SOM
nov 22 SOM
nov 22 SOM
We are so blessed to have amazing students and staff at CWMS! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!πŸ¦ƒ #weareweiser
over 2 years ago, CWMS
More from a wonderful of day learning the ins and outs at @johnfmartinandsons! #wscmberksschuylkill #whatssocoolaboutmanufacturing
over 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS visits John F. Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F. Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F. Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F. Martin and Sons
​What a day learning the ins and outs at @johnfmartinandsons! Can't wait to get started on making a video showcasing this amazing manufacturer. #wscmberksschuylkill #whatssocoolaboutmanufacturing
over 2 years ago, CWMS
CWMS visits John F Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F Martin and Sons
CWMS visits John F Martin and Sons
Thank you to all who served. We were honored to support you today. Happy Veterans Day! #weareweiser
over 2 years ago, CWMS
We had a great week! #weareweiser
over 2 years ago, CWMS
Last week, 8th graders using simple machines to carve pumpkins! #weareweiser
over 2 years ago, CWMS
pumpkin carving
pumpkin carving
pumpkin carving students
pumpkin carving