We had a few more helpers in the cafeteria last week! Liam and Aurora were so helpful to the ladies in the lunchroom. #PBIS #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
kitchen help
kitchen help
kitchen help
Please take a minute to look at the winter newsletter from our school nurse, Mrs. Yoder!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
west nurse newsletter
west nurse newsletter
Today we needed to use a HOLD Protocol in the building due to a medical emergency. Your child was safe/not in danger at any time. The HOLD protocol is used if there is a need to keep the hallways clear. The goal of a HOLD is to “hold in your classroom or area”. Please remind your child that these drills are to ensure their safety. As always, our primary goal is to keep your child(ren) safe and to keep you informed as a parent.
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Some more new faces at West! Please welcome Mrs. Schittler. She is working as a special education paraprofessional. We are so glad she is at West. #WelcometoWest #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Some more new faces at West! Please welcome Mrs. Manbeck. She is working as an instructional aide in our Kindergarten classrooms. We are so glad she is at West. #WelcometoWest #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Some more new faces at West! Please welcome Ms. Vas. She used to be a noontime aide and is now working as an instructional aide in our Kindergarten classrooms. We are so glad she is at West. #WelcometoWest #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
East and West Elementary teams came together today to learn more about structured literacy and to have our first Souper Bowl 🥣! Prizes were generously donated by both of our PTO’s. #FromEastToWestConradWeiserIsTheBest #WeAreWeiser #WinnerWinner
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Lukas Rodriguez, a second grader in Mrs. Schweigert’s 2nd grade class traded in his tickets 🎟️ to “Chat with Chief”. Lukas and Chief patrolled the halls and even wrote up a report (according to the report, some teachers looked a little bit suspicious, especially Mrs. Schweigert 😂) A huge thank you to Chief for supporting our students at West! #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
chat with chief
chat with chief
Tomorrow is our Barn Hill Preserve assembly!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Mr. Hackett and Miss Cook entertained us this evening with some instrumental and choral selections. We were all left singing "there will be no school tomorrow". However, we do have school tomorrow (although it is a half day!) Great work to all the 4th grade students who performed tonight and made all of us Weiser Proud 💙 . #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Alanah Gallagher from Mrs. Schweigert's 2nd grade class earned enough tickets to be a "Lunch Lady for a Day". Way to go Alanah!! #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
lunch lady for a day
lunch lady for a day
lunch lady for a day
Mr. Griffith's 3rd Grade Class played Jump the River today in PE to develop gross motor skills and coordination. So much fun!! #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Cross the River
Reminder: 1/11 and 1/12 are 1/2 days for students. 1/13 and 1/16 are full days off for students. #WeAreWeiser
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Days Off Reminder
Good morning! As a reminder, Barn Hill Preserve permission slips are due this Thursday, January 5th. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A PERMISSION SLIP TO ATTEND THE ASSEMBLY. This is a requirement of the preserve. The permission slip doubles as an order form. You do not have to order something for your student to attend the assembly. If you are purchasing a product, please note the photo with the tortoise will not be a tortoise, but a hedgehog. And the animal being adopted in the Animal Ambassador Adoption Kit is a kangaroo. Please complete the order form and return to your student's teacher with payment. Checks should be made payable to Barn Hill Preserve. Please reach out with any questions. Thank you!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Barn Hill Preserve Permission
Barn Hill Preserve Permission
Happy New Year 🥳 We can’t wait to see you, tomorrow is Day 4️⃣!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Here are the links for our videos from our assembly today, in case you or your child would like to view them :-) Elf https://youtu.be/WCfMh26Swbo Door Dancing https://youtu.be/J2wijfKjvho Maurice https://youtu.be/xNxn63VqLTM
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Tomorrow is Deck the Halls Day!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Deck the Halls Day
Tomorrow is Light It Up Day!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Light It Up Day
Tomorrow is Polar Express Day!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Polar Express Day
Tomorrow is Happy Kwanzaa Day!
over 1 year ago, CWWE
Happy Kwanzaa Day