⚠️⚠️⚠️It has come to our attention that individuals with malicious intent have created a replica of our website in an attempt to deceive and defraud unsuspecting visitors. We take the security and trust of our users very seriously, and we want to assure you that we are taking immediate action to address this issue. Our team is actively working to identify and shut down the fraudulent website to prevent further harm. The Berks County DA is aware and working with the FBI to determine next steps. Our legitimate website remains fully operational and secure. πŸ”— https://www.conradweiser.org/ We urge all users to exercise caution and vigilance when accessing our services online. Please be wary of any suspicious emails, links, or communications purportedly originating from our platform. #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
fradulent website alert
πŸ€πŸ’™πŸ€ We are proud to πŸ”¦spotlightπŸ”¦ CW employees throughout the year on our website and APP! Their commitment to our children and community is unmatched! Thank you! #EmployeeSpotlight #WorkAtWeiser #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
visit cwasd.org, scroll to the bottom, read about our dedicated employees
We need your help to make the CW West Field Day/PTO Relay Races a success! If you would like to volunteer, please sign up at the link below. The signup description contains options and important volunteer information. Thanks in advance for your help! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C45A5A628A2F9C25-47565774-cwwest#/
about 1 year ago, CWWE
We need help
πŸ€—πŸ€—πŸ€— We are hosting Compassionate Parenting & Self-Compassion tonight at 7 pm! The way we express compassion to ourselves is a model for our children. Would you like to be kinder and more compassionate toward yourself, your children, and those around you? Join us as we learn what compassionate parenting looks like and practical tools and exercises you can do to develop more self-compassion. Register now at πŸ”— http://cookcenter.info/Feb6CW Even if you cannot attend, by signing up in advance, you can view the recorded, anonymous session. #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
compassionate parenting and self compassion 2/6 at 7pm
#KeystoneScholars invests $100 for every child born to a PA family to be used for your child’s future post-high school education expenses. These funds can be used for apprenticeships, vocational and technical school, and two- or four-year colleges. πŸ’°Claim your account today at www.pa529.com/keystone @PATreasurer #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
PA 529 Keystone Schoalrs
πŸ“’Join our educational family!🍎✨ Exciting opportunities await at CWASD! We're hiring passionate educators and dedicated staff to inspire the next generation.🌟Explore meaningful careers with us.πŸ“šπŸ’Ό πŸ”— https://www.conradweiser.org/o/cwasd/page/work-at-weiser #WorkAtWeiser #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
work at weiser
Dinner on 2/15 (late Valentine's πŸ’• dinner maybe!) at Henry P's supports our West PTO. Check it out!
about 1 year ago, CWWE
Feb Sprirt Day FLyer
🌟 Class of 2037! Online Kindergarten Registration is now OPEN! πŸŽ‰ πŸ“š Is your little one ready to embark on a magical learning journey? The registration gates are officially OPEN for Kindergarten! πŸŽ“βœ¨ πŸ–±οΈ Visit our website https://www.conradweiser.org/page/new-student-enrollment to access the online registration forms. πŸ‘¨β€πŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦ Spread the word! Tag a friend or share this post to help other parents discover the joy of early education. Let's build a brighter future together! πŸš€πŸŒˆ πŸ«πŸ’™ πŸ“† Registration Events with Dates and Details (3 slides). Let the journey begin! 🎈✨ #KindergartenReady #FutureLeaders #SchoolAdventures #Classof2037 #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
class of 2037 registraton events
online directions
QR code
🌟 Your Feedback Matters! 🌟 CWASD Elementary Parents- Would you be interested in childcare at the elementary schools before and after school? As part of our commitment to enhancing the community, we invite you to participate in our survey. πŸ“‹βœ¨ Share your thoughts hereπŸ‘‰ https://bit.ly/3SqbDBS Your feedback is crucial, and we appreciate your time in helping us create an enriching environment for your children. πŸš€πŸ“š #ParentFeedback #SchoolProgramSurvey #TogetherWeGrow #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
before and after school program survey
Happy 100th Day from 2nd grade! Mrs. Mishoe’s class celebrated the day by creating artwork using the number 100. Later in the day, they played a math game, β€œRoll Your Way to 100”. These students are definitely 100 days brighter! #WeAreWeiser #LearningIsFun #100DayFun
about 1 year ago, CWWE
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
Mrs.Schweigert's 2nd grade class had a blast today celebrating the 100th Day of school. They made and ate 100 Day Trail Mix, wrote about what they would do with $100, described themselves if they were 100 years old and lots of other fun activities! #WeAreWeiser #LearningIsFun #100DaysOfLearning
about 1 year ago, CWWE
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
Order your yearbook now for $20.00. Prices increase after 3/31/24. Order forms are available in the office or scan the QR code to order on line. #WeAreOnline
about 1 year ago, CWWE
Yearbook QR Code
🍎✏️ Exciting News! Kindergarten Registration opens NEXT WEEK! πŸŽ‰πŸ‘§πŸ§’ Is your little one ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime? πŸŒˆπŸ“š Join us for a year of laughter, learning, and endless fun! Secure your child's spot in our kindergarten family. πŸ«πŸ’™ πŸ“† Registration Dates and Details (3 slides) Let the journey begin! 🎈✨ #KindergartenReady #FutureLeaders #SchoolAdventures #Classof2037 #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
upcoming K events
Information and documents required
QR code
More PBIS prizes 🎁 πŸ₯ͺ πŸ₯›We had a few extra lunch helpers yesterday! They were great workers and had a LOT of fun 🀩 #WeAreWeiser #PBIS
about 1 year ago, CWWE
lunch helpers
lunch helpers
lunch helpers
lunch helpers
lunch helpers
lunch helpers
Mrs. Whalen’s and Mrs. Schoemaker's AM science classes participated in a zoom presentation with Mr. Mark Iannelli. Mr. Iannelli works for Accuweather. Mr. Iannelli taught us about being a meteorologist. β˜€οΈ ⛅️ 🌧️ ❄️ We also saw some fun weather experiments. #WeAreWeiser #Weather #Meteorology
about 1 year ago, CWWE
πŸ₯ͺπŸ₯ͺ These lucky students used their PBIS tickets to choose "Dine with the Dean"! It was a great day for it with baked chicken tenders from the cafeteria with a roll and ice cream! It's always an honor for our staff when a student chooses to spend time with them. Mr. Gantz was so excited to spend lunch with these 3rd Graders from Mrs. Neiheiser's class. πŸ₯—πŸ₯— #WeAreWeiser #PBIS #DineWithTheDean
about 1 year ago, CWWE
2 students eating lunch with the school’s dean at a table
REMINDER: FID #2 is due no later than Thursday, January 25, 2024! If your child's FID packet is not turned in, they will be marked absent. Thank you!
about 1 year ago, CWWE
Don't Forget FID
Interested in Cub Scouts? Here is some information on Pack 95 in Reinholds! #adventureon
about 1 year ago, CWWE
Pack 95
Pack 95
😁😐😠 You deserve our best! Always! Take our anonymous survey at any time! Your feedback is invaluable in helping us make informed decisions for the betterment of our school and community! πŸ€πŸ‘ πŸ”—https://bit.ly/3KITtH6 #WeAreWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWASD
survey information
Another example of great minds thinking alike at West πŸ’™ 🀍 πŸ’™ #WeAreWeiser #WorkAtWeiser
about 1 year ago, CWWE