We are hiring at East Elementary! Check out both graphics for the complete list. Follow this link for more information: https://www.conradweiser.org/page/employment-opportunities Go Scouts! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Hiring at East
Hiring at East
Now hiring part-time food services workers at CWMS. Must be...Cooperative, congenial & service-oriented. Knowledge of nutrition, sanitation, & food safety. Experience is helpful but not required. Apply at https://www.conradweiser.org/page/employment-opportunities
over 2 years ago, CWASD
PT Food
We have partnered with ParentGuidance.org and the Cook Center for Human Connection to provide free and confidential parenting support. Check your email for more information on these valuable programs, provided at no charge, to help you and your family. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Make your voice heard! TODAY is the last day to complete the Community Survey. You can take the survey online at: http://www.CWASDSurvey.org Thank you in advance for your participation! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Survey Final Day
Make your voice heard! Complete the Community Survey today! You can take the survey online at: http://www.CWASDSurvey.org Thank you in advance for your participation!
over 2 years ago, CWASD
We are in need of Special Education support staff! There are full and part-time openings available starting at $13/hour. See our website for more information: https://www.conradweiser.org/page/employment-opportunities #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
SE Support Staff
We are hiring! Special Education Autistic Support Teacher at Conrad Weiser Middle School Visit our website for more information: https://www.conradweiser.org/page/employment-opportunities #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Are you receiving all of our important notifications in the CWASD App? Follow these easy instructions to allow push notifications after downloading the CWASD App! #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Push Notifications
Make your voice heard! We invite all Conrad Weiser Area School District residents to take this survey on our communication practices. Let us know what we are doing well and where we can improve. The survey is anonymous and takes about 7-9 minutes to complete. It will be open through October 7. Take it here: http://www.CWASDsurvey.org #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Survey 9/22
School Board meetings will now be held in the High School LGI. Parking is available outside the CWASD Central Office. Please enter through doors 36 and 37. The website, calendar, and App have been updated to reflect this change. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
School Board Meetings
September is #AttendanceAwarenessMonth School attendance offers opportunities to learn, build relationships, and access supports! Let's help students build a habit of good attendance early and often! #SchoolEveryDay #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Attendance Awareness Month
Attendance Awareness Month
All CWASD schools are closed Friday, September 2nd and Monday, September 5th. We will resume our normal school and business hours on Tuesday, September 6th. #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Closed Labor Day Weekend
Catch up with the latest student stories, events, and news updates. It's everything CWASD, in your pocket. If you haven't already, download the app! Download for Android https://bit.ly/3MP1s4C Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3MLSSUg #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
App week 5
We are loving our new app! Access documents, news updates, and even emergency notifications, right from your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3MP1s4C Download for iPhone https://apple .co/3MLSSUg #WeAreWeiser
over 2 years ago, CWASD
V1 Wk3
We're thrilled to announce the new app for CWASD! It's everything CWASD, in your pocket. Download for Android https://bit.ly/3MP1s4C Download for iPhone https://apple.co/3MLSSUg
over 2 years ago, CWASD
Week 1 App Post/Insta
We are excited for the launch of our new website this summer!
almost 3 years ago, Conrad Weiser Area School District
School is closed due to inclement weather!
almost 3 years ago, Conrad Weiser Area School District
We are excited to be launching our new website and app later this Summer! Stay tuned for updates.
almost 3 years ago, Conrad Weiser Area School District
IT'S ALMOST HERE! Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 6th at 4:30 p.m., CWHS is hosting its first-ever book launch celebration in the newly renovated Library Media Center. Come out and celebrate Linda Ruth and the release of her book, “One in Ten Thousand, For the Love of Lee, A Mother’s Story.” Linda is a long-time CW resident who was employed in the high school counseling office for 27 years, working as a career resource aide. Retired for more than 10 years, she put to page the journey she and her family took with their autistic son Lee.
almost 3 years ago, Conrad Weiser Area School District
One in Ten Thousand