Career Internship Program
The Career Internship Program is a learning experience which brings the school and community together. The goal of the program is to provide juniors and seniors at Conrad Weiser High School an opportunity to learn from professionals in their desired career field. Students will participate in a workplace experience with a mentor while receiving course credit. Most positions are not paid, however in some cases interns are paid for their experience.
Students are encouraged to obtain mentors in the career field of their choice. Some mentors are currently in place and may be available for interns. Please see the following link for a listing of possible mentors.
Program Expectations:
The Internship Application and Handbook details expectations of the program. Please return all paperwork with parent signatures before scheduling classes.
Mentor Information
Thank you for considering becoming a mentor in the Career Internship Program at Conrad Weiser High School. Thanks to your involvement, we are able to provide students with valuable hands-on experience in their field of interest.
Mentor Guidelines:
Please see the following link to help you with the task of mentoring your intern. The Mentor Handbook includes information for creating goals, grading, absences, and coordinator visits.
Clearances Requirements:
The Conrad Weiser School District is required to collect, retain and update clearances for each mentor. All clearances should be completed before a student can begin their internship experience. Please see the following link for Clearance Requirements.
Check out our Career Internship Video:
Meet the Interns:
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Mrs. Ashley Proietto
Internship Program Coordinator
610-693-8542, ext. 6676