Choraleers performing at a Rotary meeting
Connect (formerly Fellowship of Christian Students) – is a student-led, Christian organization focused on uniting God’s youth in Conrad Weiser High School. See Mrs. McGrory if interested.
CW Travel Club – Conrad Weiser High School has a rich history with travel and intercultural experiences. Conrad Weiser, the man, travelled through the Mid-Atlantic region and learned about Indigenous and French culture. As a club we also understand the importance of travel and learning about different cultures. CW Travel Club organizes trips so that students can experience other countries, the art of travel and an opportunity to see the places we are learning about in the classroom(s). Students choose a destination that is of interest. We contract with a tour company called CHA (https://www.cha-tours.com/) and enroll in an itinerary. The advisor travels with the students and helps to organize the trip. We learn about the places we are going to visit before departure. This is a wonderful opportunity to travel and see other parts of the world. CW Travel Club students have visited Australia, China, Europe and Costa Rica. We do help to organize fundraising for students but trip planning is a major part of the CW Travel process. See Mr. Bright with any questions you may have or if interested in joining.
CWTV - CWTV is open to TV students who want an extended video production experience. CWTV films extracurricular activities for numerous school and community organizations in addition to sponsoring the annual CW Idol competition. See Mr. Aaron Price, if interested.
Dungeons and Dragons - The purpose of this club is to foster students’ interest in tabletop RPGs. I have been acting as a game leader, presenting the story to the students, who are learning the game mechanics. The goal is to present the game in such a way that students are able to learn the basics and eventually create a group of their own outside of school. Tabletop RPGs promote socialization (and they were even played digitally during Covid!), problem solving, teamwork, mathematics skills (there are a lot of statistics to consider during play) and imaginative storytelling. See Mrs. Osman for more information.
Equality Now Chapter - The purpose of this chapter is to promote legislative and structural change that tackles violence and discrimination against women and girls across the world. See Dr. Ruoss or Ms. Floyd for more information.
Esports Club – The Esports club at Conrad Weiser is a club for competitive video gamers. The club forms a community of players to discuss, play, and compete in the games they love. The Esports Club offers school sanctioned competitive teams that compete in the High School Esports League. See Mr. Rothenberger, Mr. Zeitzer, or Mr. Duong if interested.
Fantasy Genre Club -The Fantasy Genre Club is a Book Club for students which focuses on the Fantasy Genre. We discuss book series, recommend books for people based on their likes. Series such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and other multi-book series or single books are discussed. Occasionally we will host a movie night based on one of the books discussed. This club has participated in Homecoming, and the homecoming Festival as well as raising funds for charity. Mr. Clauss is the advisor.
FBLA – Future Business Leaders of America is for students interested in future career in business. If interested, contact: Mr. Noss.
Junior State of America Chapter – Junior State of America, or JSA, is a club that is dedicated to educating young students in our country's democracy and preparing them to be politically inclined. The club is a student led organization, where students take charge and decide how they want to run the club. See Mr. Bright if interested.
Key Club – Student run club that participates in the many community service activities like an autism walk and convention. If interested, contact Mrs. Bence or Mrs. Osman.

Key Club at the state conference
Mini-Thon Club—Conrad Weiser Mini-THON® is part of a statewide organization which supports Four Diamonds in its efforts to raise funds directed toward research to help defeat childhood cancer while supporting families currently engaged in struggles with childhood cancer. CW’s fund raising efforts vary from Miracles in a Minute at football and basketball games to participation in the Jack Frost Parade to hosting events at both elementary schools and the Middle School to our annual Seniors versus Faculty Basketball Challenge. The effort is capped by our actual Mini-THON® held overnight in the early spring at which we reveal our fund-raising total. See Mrs. Kerns, if interested.
Morgan's Message Chapter—Our Morgan’s Message chapter at Conrad Weiser strives to make a large positive impact on our students who are struggling with mental health. It is the chapter’s mission to ensure people know they are not alone. The club will foster a safe space and safe people for students to talk to. Weiser students support each other in sports every season. Teams and individuals make an effort to go to senior nights, big games, and awareness events. It is a way we can have fun, support friends, and create positive change; it's who we are. For more information, please see Mrs. Kistler or Mrs. McHugh.
Multicultural Awareness Club - The purpose of the CWHS Multicultural Awareness Club (MAC) is to offer a safe place for students and educators to share facts about their cultures, learn about other cultures, and participate in multicultural activities and events. If interested, please contact Ms. Floyd.
National Honor Society – NHS at Conrad Weiser recognizes outstanding juniors and seniors with a GPA of 3.75 or better who meet certain standards in character, leadership, and service and are endorsed by a teacher. If interested, contact Mrs. Bence or Ms. Kramer, if interested.
Outdoor Club – Outdoor club is designed to encourage students to spend more time outside. Members will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of outings intended to promote a lifelong appreciation of activities in nature. See Mr. Zdancewic, if interested.
PA Math League—PAML competitions promote enjoyment and study of mathematics and help to enrich our mathematics program. Each contest covers topics appropriate for high school level students through six well-written questions that cover a variety of difficulty ranges. The questions combine mathematics skills with logic and problem solving. Competitions are held six times each year during PLT. See Mr. Natale, if interested.
Reading Olympics – is a county-wide reading event that encourages students to increase the quality and quantity of books they read for enjoyment. The Reading Olympics Program is based upon the belief that good reading habits form the foundation for a productive and successful life; contact Mr. Rothenberger.
SaGA – Gay/Straight Alliance works to have understanding and acceptance at Conrad Weiser. If interested in joining, contact Ms. Simons, Mrs. Luckenbill, or Mr. Palm.
Science Research Club – The Science Research Club (SRI), was founded with the specific objective of enhancing the knowledge and experience of students in research science. See Mr. Siefert, if interested in joining.
Ski Club – The Conrad Weiser Ski Club offers students the opportunity to learn to ski, snowboard and participate in various outdoor activities. Ski Club offers discounted lift tickets, weekly trips to local ski resorts, a 4 day ski trip to a large resort, and other outdoor trips. Ski club has visited Bear Creek, Sugarbush, Stratton, Smuggler’s Notch, and Whiteface in the past. If you are interested in finding out more information or joining the club please contact Mr. Rohm j_rohm@conradweiser.org, Mr. Musser z_musser@conradweiser.org, or Mr. Bright k_bright@conradweiser.org.
Stage Crew – Does all the backstage work for the school plays/musicals including scenery, lights, and sound effect. If interested, contact: Mr. Lutz or Mr. Rothenberger.
Standing Together Against Racism (S.T.A.R.) – Our vision is that all members of our community will be consciously aware of racial injustices and will have the knowledge and passion to educate others, to stand up to intolerance, to respect differences, and create a community that is welcoming to all. If interested, contact Ms. Floyd.
Weiser Ambassadors - The Weiser Ambassadors is a club that helps new students adjust to life at Conrad Weiser. New students are paired with Ambassadors based on sharing the same lunch and/or activities. The Ambassadors assist the Counseling Office by taking new students on tours and answering any questions they may have. . If interested, contact: Mrs. Zickler.
Yearbook Club – Puts together the yearbook every year for distribution to the students. They work on it throughout the year every PLT in Mrs. Grajewski’s room in the Science wing. If interested, contact: Mrs. Grajewski.