Please read the important information posted.

What's for lunch? This age-old question can now be answered on our CW APP!📲
👀 the graphics to find breakfast and lunch menus for every building!
📅Daily and future views available. Bon Appétit! 😋

Today was our last Leadership Team session with Thomas R. Williams from the Jon Gordon Group. Together, we learned so much about The Power of a Positive Team and creating a culture of encouragement and productivity!

Scout Gear...All. Year. Long!
CW Homepage➡Our District➡Scroll down👇to Rockhound logo
Click 🖱 on CW Scout Store - RockHound Apparel link
Direct link in comments🙌🙌🙌

Reminder-Tonight is the second in a series of four online parenting sessions.
“Social Media: Protecting Your Child” from 7p-8p.
You can anonymously register at https://cookcenter.info/CWJan17

Tech Analytics📊By the numbers presentation with Mr. Mazurek at the Board meeting tonight🤩
⚡Fast Facts for the 22-23SY⚡
💡18 million emails exchanged
💡3.4 million emails blocked 🚫
📄DocuSign is reducing ⬇our carbon footprint🙌
💻Tech PD is ongoing✅
🙏Thankful for the IU13 Tech Conference December 2022
We ♥ Gerry Brooks

BCTC hosted the District 4 SkillsUSA competition. The event was an incredible success!
First-place winners will move on to the State competition in April!
Congratulations Jon, Isabella and Andrew! Good luck!

Join our team!
There are many opportunities available right now!
To see a complete list, visit our website then select Employment at Weiser.
Click on Open Positions and apply today!

Reminder for this week! Early dismissals on Wednesday and Thursday.
School is closed Friday and Monday for students.

The Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development offers the Affordable Connectivity Program that helps connect families and households struggling to afford internet service.

Email questions to Mrs. Marci Hegedus, Director of Food Services: m_hegedus@conradweiser.org

Culinary and Marketing students presented a cross-curricular project today🤝 Culinary prepared the pizza and Marketing created the restaurant business plan! Teacher judges evaluated the marketing pitches...And the pizza! 😉

Weather related athletic schedule changes, and other athletic schedule changes, will be updated on our CWASD APP.
Follow these directions to receive push notifications for CW Athletics.
Go Scouts!

It is with great sadness the Conrad Weiser Area School District mourns the tragic loss of Demerious Smith.
Mr. Smith was employed as a teaching assistant/para-professional at the Weiser Decisions School. Last year, Mr. Smith worked as a teaching assistant/para-professional at the CW Middle School. He also worked at the Bethany Children’s Home before coming to Conrad Weiser.
I can’t say enough about Demerious…he was a wonderful man who lit up every room he entered, and I’m not being cliché, that’s the truth. Everyone loved him. Demerious had the kindest, most sincere way about him.
Demerious had an amazing ability to connect with our students. He truly had a heart for children and you could tell that in your interactions with him. Although quiet at times, he had a wonderful sense of humor and always made you feel welcome.
I wish everyone could have had the opportunity to meet him. He made everyone around him better and he will be missed very much.
Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this time. The Conrad Weiser Area School District is a close-knit community…like a family. And it’s like our family has lost a beloved son. As each person in our community processes this tragedy, we will be sure to have additional counseling services available for those in need.
Dr. Ryan Giffing, Superintendent
Conrad Weiser Area School District

Due to the predicted severe weather conditions, all schools and offices of the CWASD will be closed on Fri., Dec. 23, 2022. There will be no before-school or after-school activities Friday. (We will NOT use a FID.) We will make up the ½ day on Wed., Apr. 5, 2023.

Due to the predicted severe weather conditions, all schools and offices of the CWASD will be closed on Fri., Dec. 23, 2022. There will be no before or after-school activities Friday. (We will NOT use a FID.) We will make up the ½ day on Wed., April 5, 2023.

Enjoy the Winter Holiday and have a Happy New Year!

Visit our website to view all open positions! Apply today!

A little #ThrowbackThursday...Just for fun on this cold and icy #WeiserFID !
We bet some of our CW alums will know these buildings😉

Good Morning,
Due to the complications from the weather, the Conrad Weiser Area School District will shift to a Flexible Instruction Day, Thursday, December 15, 2022.