Fire & Ice Festival on July 29th from 11 am-2 pm at LJ's Fitness parking lot
Contact @WomelsdorfCommunityLibrary to volunteer or sponsor

CWFFA Freedge is stocked for summer!
Stop by the Freedge (located at the CWHS Greenhouse) and help yourself to FREE veggies!
Learn more about the Freedge here!

Transcript information for the class of 2023

Congratulations to all our retirees! We will miss you but are excited about your new journey! Thank you for your many years of service! Enjoy and relax! 😍

CWASD Summer Office Hours
#WeAre Weiser

🎓🎓🎓Congratulations to our 2023 Honors Students!!

Live stream link to view the Conrad Weiser Class of 2023 Graduation on Friday night!
🔗 https://bit.ly/CWHS23

CONGRATULATIONS to our May Students of the Month!! 🎉👑🏆Great way to end the school year😎

Are you looking for something to do tonight?
FREE monthly Friday night movies in the park start tonight at dusk. Check it out!
Thank you, Marion Township Community Association! 😊

CWHS final exams next Wednesday and Thursday. Both days students will have an early dismissal at 10:38 AM.

Class of 2023 checkout important graduation information here.

A Skyward update will mandate a more complex and lengthier password for all account holders on Friday after 10 am. This password change will keep our systems safe and compliant with industry standards. See attached for password requirements.

👏👏👏 Congratulations to our March Students of the Month!! Awesome job!🤩🥳

The Berks County Intermediate Unit (BCIU) anticipates continuing to operate a Pre-K Counts classroom within the Conrad Weiser School District at Bethany Children’s Home for the 2023-2024 school year. The BCIU is currently gathering information to secure grant funding as part of the Pre-K Counts state 5-year rebid process for July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2028. At this stage of the application process, the BCIU is gathering family interest and eligibility for the Pre-K Counts Program.
Should your family be interested in this program, please complete the survey https://forms.gle/K6oumFVcsKg3SA3t6, by Friday, April 7, 2023.

Food Trucks are HERE! Come get dinner and visit our career/job fair from 3p-6p!
3️⃣0️⃣➕ businesses from Berks and beyond!
🤍Mental Health vendors on hand and the multicultural festival!🤍
Did we mention we have a pony?!🐴

👉LAST CHANCE! We have 2 great trips available for summers 2024 & 2025. 🌎✈️They're going to be amazing adventures—and we want your child to travel with us! Visit https://bit.ly/420ERKc and make sure you register for TONIGHT’S 6:30 pm virtual meeting!

Join us for the Job/Career/Multicultural/Mental Health Fair on 3/29 from 3-6 pm at the HS/District Office!
⭐Job/Career Opportunities⭐Mental Health Resources⭐Multicultural Event⭐
🐴Miniature Horses and Food Trucks🍽
Stop by for a fun and informational night!

All CWASD events are on the APP! Find the event and download it directly to your phone calendar! Special school/building events, days off, early dismissals...ALL are in the events area of the APP! Follow these directions and never miss another CWASD event!

⭐️⭐️MARCH 2023 CAREER INTERNSHIP PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS⭐️⭐️This Spring, CWHS is excited have 37 students interning in a variety of fields. These seniors took the initiative to learn hands-on in their career field. They have made great connections in the community and are wonderful representatives of our school. Benjamin Elliott is at South Heidelberg Township Police Department🚓👮♂️; Bryson Gingrich is at Moyer Nissan of Wernersville🏎🚙; Lydia Bashore is at Western Berks Ambulance Association🚑; Reghan Hamilton is at The Hair Studio✂️👩🦰💅; and Caitlin Oliviero is at Larkin Veterinary Center🐕🐈⬛.

K-12 Art Show on 4/26 from 6-8 pm!
Performances by the MS/HS jazz band and Choraleers 🎶
The Community Food Service class will provide refreshments ☺
Download this event to your phone from our APP!
Thank you for supporting the arts at Conrad Weiser! 💙🤍